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Code Along Session: Introduction to CSS Animations Part 2.

Description of the session

In this session will talk about CSS animations. a typical question might be, "how do i create a custom animation?" or "what automation should I use to create an animated webpage?" I'll be using css to help me create my animation. and I'm going to use css files for the animations. but you don't need to be expert in this we'll learn along the way.

Learning outcomes

In this code along session, stackies will

  1. learn how to use css to animate web pages/site
  2. Clearing myths and doubts about css.

Things to try

After watching this video, these are some of the things stackies wanna try:

  1. Try to code along with speaker and share your repo
  2. Try doing different animations and share with us below

If you have any doubts/questions feel free to ask below!