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Markdown Features

Community-Library supports Markdown and a few additional features.

Front Matter

Markdown documents have metadata at the top called Front Matter:
id: my-doc-id
title: My document title
description: My document description
slug: /my-custom-url

## Markdown heading

Markdown text with [links](./

Regular Markdown links are supported, using url paths or relative file paths.

Let's see how to [Create a page](/create-a-page).
Let's see how to [Create a page](./

Result: Let's see how to Create a page.


Regular Markdown images are supported.

Add an image at static/img/logo.png and display it in Markdown:

![Community-Library logo](/img/undraw_logo.svg)

Community-Library logo

Code Blocks

Markdown code blocks are supported with Syntax highlighting.

```jsx title="src/components/HelloLibrary.js"
function HelloLibrary() {
return (
<h1>Hello, People!</h1>
function HelloLibrary() {
return <h1>Hello, People!</h1>;


Community-Library has a special syntax to create admonitions and callouts:

:::tip My tip

Use this awesome feature option


:::danger Take care

This action is dangerous

My tip

Use this awesome feature option

Take care

This action is dangerous

MDX and React Components

MDX can make your documentation more interactive and allows using any React components inside Markdown:

export const Highlight = ({children, color}) => (
backgroundColor: color,
borderRadius: '20px',
color: '#fff',
padding: '10px',
cursor: 'pointer',
onClick={() => {
alert(`You clicked the color ${color} with label ${children}`)

This is <Highlight color="#fd0000">StackUp Orange</Highlight> !

This is <Highlight color="#1877F2">Facebook blue</Highlight> !

This is StackUp Orange !

This is Facebook blue !