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For today, we have two articles to read. Since you have chosen this web developer path, time to find out what exactly a web developer does. Also, read about 8 different reasons why anyone should be a web developer.

After reading the articles, share your thoughts:

  • What type of web developer do you hope to be?
  • What soft skills do you think you can improve in to be a better web developer?


Hello! Today's article 📰 to read is pretty long, but I assure you it will be well worth your time! If you are feeling lost or need more guidance in your webdev journey, this article should provide some enlightenment 💡. You might have come across the web developer roadmap on before. This article helps to break down the web developer roadmap into 8 different sections. So whether you are just starting out or already in the middle of your journey to be a web developer, you'll benefit from this article.


After reading this article, feel free to share your thoughts below:

  • What are your thoughts on looking at the roadmap?
  • Where are you in your web development journey? What are you currently focusing on, and what's next for you?


Hello folks! Today we are building! This is a start of a series of projects that we will be building in this challenge. Once you have completed your build, you can push it to GitHub and share your repo with us.

For our first build, we will start with building a Javascript Quiz Game. Since everyone here has different levels of familiarity with web development, it would be interesting to see what you build. Please build a quiz game with at least two questions. At the minimum, the question type will be MCQ.

For beginners, you might want to complete the Javascript campaign on the StackUp platform first, then refer to this tutorial where you will be building a MCQ quiz that gives the score upon pressing a button: .

For more experienced web developers, the challenge is for you to create a more advanced quiz game. Some suggestions would be to accept fill in the blank answers that utilises regex, or create a MCQ quiz with a timer.


Hello, I hope you've had the time to start your Quiz builds! Today we will be reading about the history of Javascript and its development.


  • Were there any surprising things about Javascript that you encountered in this article?
  • Have you noticed any other changes in Javascript over the years?

Please share your thoughts, and feel free to respond to comments made by other folks!

Day 5

Hello, I hope you guys are in the middle of your Quiz builds! Today's article is about some of the best practices you can take note of when programming in Javascript.


  • What were some practices that you learnt from this article and will be practising in the future?
  • Are there any best practices that you currently practise?
  • Have there been cases where someone has commented that your code cannot be easily understood?

As usual, feel free to comment on what other folks share!

Day 6

Hello, hope you guys are doing fine in this pathway of 30 Days of Web 2. Today's the third day since we started building our multiple choice quiz game. If you've completed it, do remember to share with us. Otherwise, the weekend is a pretty good time to build if you have the time.

Two days ago, you read about the long history of Javascript. In fact, did you know Javascript was created in 1995, and is now 27 years old! A number of scripting languages have popped up along the way, but Javascript continues to remain popular. Why is that? Read today's article to understand why Javascript will likely remain a popular language.


Once you're done reading, here are some questions that you can think about:

  • Do you think Javascript is the scripting language of the future? Or are there other languages that are strong competitors?
  • For those who picked up Javascript, why did you do so?
  • How's your experience with Javascript so far?

Feel free to answer the above questions...

Day 7

Hello, we have reached the end of the first week of 30DaysofWeb2! 🚀 You've read so much and hopefully built a quiz in the past 6 days. Now, time to test your knowledge with a quiz!

Let's see how you fare in this quiz! Results will be released once you submit the quiz!

Do share your scores...