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Day 22

Hey all! Javascript libraries and frameworks are all the rage these days. You probably might have heard of React and Angular, and maybe a few of you actively use them too. But let's go back to the basics today. Let's talk about Vanilla Javascript, also known as Javascript.

Today's 3-minute reading shares the importance of understanding Javascript before implementing JS libraries and frameworks. Do you agree with the author's viewpoint?


Day 23

Hey mates! In yesterday's article, we discussed the importance of learning Javascript. But what if Javascript is pretty difficult to learn? In today's 5-minute read, we have some advice from a self-taught developer, Robert, on how to learn Javascript the right way, so that you can confidently overcome the challenges.


  • After reading the article, which particular advice do you feel is something you would tell beginning developers, and why?

Day 24

Hey! If you have taken part in the recent Zilliqa campaign, you would have seen the command npm install. But what exactly is npm, and why do we use it in development?

In today's 14-minute video, learn more about what Node Package Manager is, and why we use it. The video also explains different npm commands used and the significance of the package.json file.

- After watching the video, share with us what was one thing you learnt from the video.

Day 25

Morning all! Within CSS, there are so many different properties and values to use. And with JS, there are also plenty of different methods. How is it possible to remember everything?

In today's 33-minute podcast, Kylo Robinson, the creator of The Great Sync Javascript Mental Model, shares some memory techniques to help you learn coding. If podcasts are not your thing, don't worry - there's a transcript available that you can read through.


  • What is one method you wish to try from the podcast to help you remember code better?

Day 26

Hey! While we have been discussing CSS and JS for web development in this 30-day challenge, did you know that you can also use the Python language for web development too?

Yes, Python is a very versatile language, and beyond data science, you can use the web frameworks Django and Flask to help you create websites. This article will briefly go through how one can get started on web development with Python.


  • After reading the article, share your thoughts on whether you might want to use Python for Web Development!

Day 27

Hey, for some people starting out in their journey as web developers, they might look to build their own portfolio. As such, they might look to becoming a freelance web developer. But being a freelancer comes with its own challenges. In today's 20-minute read, learn about the different things you must consider when becoming a freelancer. It also analyses the pros and cons of being one, which might help you with your decision.


  • Is being a freelancer something you're interested in doing? Or do you prefer having an established role in a company. Why?

Day 28

Hello, we have reached the 28th day of 30DaysofWeb2! 🚀 You've read so much this past week and hopefully completed the 4 projects in this 30 day challenges. Today, we will be doing a quiz to check how much you've learnt from the Day 22 to Day 27!

  • Once done, react with your score!

Day 29 🕗

Hey! As we near the end of the 30-day challenge, it's time to look at some material that might help you land a job. In today's article, we will be looking at six full-stack developer interview questions. This article does not provide all the answers, and it's really up to you to do your own research and studying. But it does provide you some direction into what you should know well.


  • Are you confident in answering at least one of the questions in this article? Otherwise, which question are you going to research on?

🎊 Day 30 - The Final Day ✨

Hello Web2Dev! We have finally reached the last day of our 30 Days! I hope you guys have had fun learning from the variety of materials 📜 ⏯️ 🔊 posted here each day. I know some of you guys have been busy and have found it difficult to follow all the days. No worries, but do bookmark the links that you haven't had the chance to visit yet. And if you have started on your builds, do persevere and finish them.

On this last day, we are going to cover frontend interviews. This 51-minute podcast 🎵 will cover the experiences of technical interviews, how the whole interview process is like, some of the take home challenges, and how to get better at interviews. Even if you are not at the stage of preparing for an interview, this podcast will give you a good idea of what you can expect, and you can start preparing early.


  • Have you ever sat for a front end interview before?
  • What were some questions that you found challenging?
  • For you who have not gone for interviews yet, what are your concerns?