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Day 15

Hello folks, in the next few days we will be looking at stories 📚 of how different people got their role as a Full Stack Developer 👨‍💻 👩‍💻 , and hopefully their stories will inspire you to create a path that leads you to your goals. As such, we won't be having a quiz at the end of this week.

Today's article is a 25-minute read by Charlie Jeppsson, a full stack developer who studied a business degree, attended a coding bootcamp, and created a few apps on his own. He details his learning journey and also his interview process.


  • After reading the article, do you agree with Charlie's thinking that it's important to attend a coding bootcamp, and why?

Day 16

Hello folks, today we will build our third project, which is a To-do list app using HTML, CSS and Javascript. A to-do list allows you to create tasks and also delete them once you are done with them. In some cases, more advanced functionalities can also include editing the existing tasks. This will showcase your ability of DOM manipulation. Here are two resources that you can use in building your own to-do list:

  • A 4-step tutorial where you can copy the code which allows you to create a to-do list which you can create and delete tasks: CRUD .

  • A 37-min video that allows you to create a to-do list that can create, update and delete tasks. Also explains and shows how each step looks like:

  • If you done, feel free to share your repo.

Day 17

Hello folks, in today's video, James, an experienced web developer, shares some of the web development projects that he worked on such as an age calculator, a countdown timer, a battleship game, and a metal detector simulator. Each of these projects grew in complexity and allowed him to apply things that he had learnt in Javascript.

  • After watching his video, what do you want to build next, which will help you apply what you are currently learning?


Hello folks,in today's 47-minute podcast, learn from Iheanyi Ekechukwu who does full stack development and product engineering and works at GitHub. He shares about his journey in full stack development and his work.


  • What were some points in this podcast that you resonated with?

  • How's your current journey in becoming a full stack developer? What are some challenges you face?

Day 19

Hi all! On day 15, we read about how Charlie attended a coding bootcamp, which helped to accelerate his progress towards being a web developer. In today's reading, we examine the journey of Robert who felt that the cost of such bootcamps are expensive, and he decided to put himself through his own bootcamp.


  • After reading this article, what do you think of Robert's development path?

  • Is this something you can identify with?

Day 20

Hola all, in today's 5-minute read 📰 , a web developer shares 10 lessons 💡 from his 12-year journey as a web developer. Some of these lessons actually echo the points from our Day 1 reading such as having empathy for users and problem solving.


  • After you have read this article, share with us which of these 10 lessons resonated with you (the one that made you go "Yes, that's me!").

Day 21

Hello! Today we are building again, but this should be a little simpler than the other builds. Today's challenge, which is taken from Frontend Mentor, is to build out this preview card component and get it looking as close to what you see in the video. To get started, download the zip file. Once you open it, read the file for instructions. If you run into any problems, feel free to ask below for hints!

Once you are done building, do drop a link or a video showing that you've completed it!

This is also our last build for the 30-Days Challenge. I know some of you guys are still building your portfolio sites or to-do lists, so no worries, work on what you think helps you best!

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