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Day 5 - How to encourage people to speak more without intimidating them?

Yey! Its the fifth day! Today, the content is curated towards our Shy and introverts!

Check out this video, and then come back here to discuss and engage below in comment section

📹 How to Have a Good Conversation

Let's try an exercise together! Here's a template you can adapt for your personality and other aspects of your life. Of course, do adapt it to suit your personality and context!:

Template 1:

(Intro) hi, my name is: _

(Information that allows people to potentially identify themselves as sharing the same characteristics as you) I am from __, I am a ___, (add more I'd you'd like) and I would love to get to know you better especially if we share common interests like (list)

(Polite call-to-action) please reply to my response if you like __, and please tell me what you like about __! I hope to find common ground with you!

Template 2:

For the shy and introverts:

(Intro) hi, my name is: _

(Information that allows people to potentially identify themselves as sharing the same characteristics as you) I am from __, I am a ___, (add more I'd you'd like). I hope to meet others who are like (list)!

(Context setting) I am a bit shy, and I would love to be communicated with in ____ manner. (This gives people an idea of how to approach you in a way you are comfortable with!) I (describe a little of how people can know you are comfortable, eg. "You'll know I'm more comfortable when I become more expressive in the way I chat!")

(Polite call-to-action) please reply if we can make friends/start a conversation/etc

It would be lovely if you can make a new friend or two!