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Day 4 - How do you become a Confident Person?

Heyall! We are already on Day 4 woohoo. Today we will be learning a little bit more about confidence, an extremely important soft skill. This might be useful in curating the way you are confident, allowing you to “customise” your confidence depending on the context you’re in! 🥳And of course for our might help you with stealing and maintaining all that attention 😏 😉

Confidence is important because it allows us to feel empowered and take on challenges with a positive attitude.! Confidence gives us the courage to speak up, try new things, and take on risks.

Today, we will be looking at three relatively short videos so do take some time to look at them alrighty :happy:

  • 📹Your body language shapes who you are
  • 📹 How to stay calm under pressure
  • 📹 3 tips to boost your confidence

After watching the videos, come back here and summarise three of the most important tips ✨ you have learned about being confident.

Always remember that:

A flower does not think about competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms!

Take things at your own pace and there is no need to compare your progress with others. We would love to see all your confident selves because you have so many things to be proud of 🥰