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Day 6 - How to take the first step in chatting with people?

Ho ho ho we are half way through!

We may be thinking that we are introverted, and that is why we are shy, but the two are quite different, and realising that shyness is a habit that can be broken will be a big first step in developing more complex social skills.

Let's start off with a very useful article on some simple tips we can adopt if we are feeling shy!

  • 📰 Ten Tips For Shy People To Meet Friends Article

If you want a more workplace-specific set of tips, you can check out this article!

  • 📰 14 Examples on How To Start a Conversation in the Workplace Article

Everyone can begin by setting three small challenges, such as asking someone for a coffee chat, or tagging a stackie that you'd like to make friends with!

For introverts , come and engage with at least two other Stackies and try to make friends with them!