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===== DAY 8 =====

Happy start of the week peeps, hope everyone of you had a restful weekend, Today let’s talk about something thats been really hot in the past month of crypto, ENS domains! If you’ve been keeping up with web3 news (which you should), you would know that even in this crypto bear market, and even more so for the NFT market, ENS domains are popping off! 🔥 But wait, what’s an ENS? Is it another blockchain? Another 10k profile picture NFT collection?

Today’s content drop is a Youtube video that explains all you need to know about ENS domains! The video is produced by Whiteboard Crypto - this is a Youtube account that I highly recommend subscribing to. In my early days of starting out in web3 (and even now), watching his videos to understand certain web3 concepts were of such a great help to me. He breaks down what initially seems like really complex web3 topics into digestible content that’s easily understandable! :bigbrain~1:

Whiteboard Crypto’s What is ENS?

  • Today’s discussion question: Which part of the video did you find the most interesting?

===== DAY 9 =====

Hey all, for the past week or so we've had some great discussions around macro topics of web3 and finer-grained conversations around how to be web3 developers. Today, let's take a small step back to refresh what we've covered so far with a quiz :-)

📝 Quiz

===== DAY 10 =====

Hi! A famous developer once said *8“if you can think it, you can code it”**, i think… or at least something to that degree. But I agree with said developer! So let’s build a simple ENS smart contract! Time for our second build project 🔥

Same as before, I’ve prepared a boilerplate ENS Solidity smart contract that you can use to build your ENS contract on. If you haven’t learn Solidity or need a refresher, you can visit StackUp’s Blockchain and Smart Contracts campaign! The campaign covers all the Solidity concepts required to build this escrow contract. If you have no idea what ENS is, refer to Day 8's content drop.

There are many possible solutions to achieve the same outcome, so experiment with the different ways in which you structure your data/code! If you prefer to structure your code in a way that’s different from what’s provided in the boilerplate smart contract, that’s fine too!

Go to the URL below, it’ll point you to the repository that contains the boilerplate code and more information regarding the build project. The estimated time required for this project is 1 hour!

ENS build project

Once you have completed the project, you can take a screenshot of your code and slide into my DMs if you want to check if your code is correct.

===== DAY 11 =====

Hey there! Hope y’all had fun working on the ENS SC yesterday. For the next few days, let’s talk about NFTs! No, I’m not referring to the 10k profile picture collection kind of NFTs. I’m much more interested in the practical use cases of NFTs! :bigbrain~1: There’s lots to unpack when it comes to the potential of NFTs, but let’s start off with an easy read.

The article that I’m that sharing today contains 10 practical use cases of NFTs beyond just using them as digital artworks. The article will take up about 5 minutes of your time to read. If you’ve always thought that the only use of NFTs was for changing your Twitter profile picture and flexing on other people, then your mind will be blown after reading this article! 🔥

10 Practical Use Cases of NFTs

Today’s discussion question: Have you heard of any other practical use cases of NFTs? If you have, what are they? If you haven’t, can you think of any other practical use cases of NFTs?

===== DAY 12 =====

TGIF 🔥! If you’ve heard of NFTs, I’m sure you’re equally aware that there is much dislike and hostility from the mass public towards NFTs. Some of these comments carry no weight because they are made from a place of ignorance. However, some comments are real worries that come from a valid place.

The content that I want to share today is a documentary unpacking the problem with NFTs. When it first came out on Youtube, it spread among the web3 community like wildfire, generating lots of discussion and debate. Its quite a lengthy video (2hours+), but I HIGHLY recommend watching it, it’ll really open your mind to the other end of the discussion when it comes to NFTs.

Since it’s such a long video, I took the liberty to create a summary of the chapters in the documentary. I would still highly recommend you to watch the documentary as I could only squeeze that much content into one summary.

Folding Idea’s The Problem With NFTs

  • My summary

  • Today’s discussion question - Are there any points in the video/summary that you disagree with? Conversely, are there any points which you thought were insightful?

===== DAY 13 =====

Hello folks! Today, I want to share about something very closely related to NFTs that not many people talk about - Intellectual Property (IP)! IP ownership in the context of NFTs affect the extent to which the owner of the NFT actually has control over the assets he/she holds.

Since the content drop yesterday was on the heavier side, I decided to go for lighter read today. This blogpost by Andrew Beal (a frequent web3 writer) sums up NFT-IP ownership pretty nicely. Its a very light read that only requires 5 minutes of your time :bigbrain~1:

Andrew Beal’s Open Source IP

Today’s discussion question - Which license do you think is the best for building an NFT brand and why?

===== DAY 14 =====

Hello folks !! Hope y'all have been having fun:) While we’re on the topic of NFTs, I want to introduce a field within NFTs that’s gradually getting talked about more by industry experts - Soulbound NFTs! Essentially, Soulbound NFTs are NFTs that can’t be traded like normal NFTs can. These NFTs are “tagged” to the individual/wallet forever, something like a birth certificate or education certificate.

Today’s content is a blogpost from the man himself, Vitalik Buterin. If you haven’t heard of Vitalik, then it’s time to come out from under the rock you’re living under :pausechamp: . Jk, Vitalik is the founder of Ethereum, probably the person most responsible for the progress that web3 has made since its inception.

Vitalik Buterin on Soulbound NFTs

Today’s discussion question - What are your thoughts on Soulbound NFTs? Do you think there is practical use cases for this? Or if you’ve heard of Soulbound NFTs before, can you share any use cases that you’ve come across where Souldbound NFTs are being used?