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===== DAY 22 =====

Hey mates, happy start of the week! In the web3 world, DeFi (decentralized finance) services make up a big proportion of the activity on chain. And in DeFi, there’s a very common form of attack known as the the sandwich attack 🥪 . Yum.

Unfortunately, this is only tasty for the attacker, and not so much for the victim. Knowing about what a sandwich attack is is beneficial for you as it not only makes you more aware when doing DeFi services, but it also opens your eyes to the possibilities of what code can achieve in this code-dominated world.

What is a Sandwich Attack

  • Today’s discussion question: Is there any part of the sandwich attack that you didn’t understand and require more clarification on?

===== DAY 23 =====

Hello! Today’s lets build something again! We’ll be covering another smart contract classic - creating a multi-sig wallet.

The tutorial listed below teaches you how to do so. Most of the solidity knowledge that is required to build this is already covered in StackUp’s Blockchain Basics and Smart Contracts campaign. If you’ve completed the previous build projects I sent, then you’ll be fine for this project as well :)

Create a Multi-sig wallet Tutorial

  • If you encounter any questions, feel free to ask fellow stackies in this chat for help!

===== DAY 24 =====

Hey, let’s continue on the topic of DeFi! Today, I want to introduce you to something that’s only available in the world of DeFi - Flashloans! 🔥

Flashloans are like lending on steroids and they’ve taken the Web3 world by storm. They are UNCOLLATERALIZED lending and they’ve been used to attack vulnerable DeFi protocols and steal millions of dollars! All this is only possible because of big brain Web3 developers.

Read the the article below (~3min) to find out more about Flashloans!

What are Flashloans

Today’s discussion question: Do you think Flashloans ultimately bring more good or bad to Web3? Why?

===== DAY 25 =====

Hello! Today I want to talk about something that you would have encountered while doing the recent Zilliqa campaign - IPFS! The acronym stands for InterPlanetary File System and it’s a protocol that facilitates decentralized file storage. Decentralization is baked into the ethos of Web3, so knowing about what IPFS is/does is relevant as an aspiring Web3 developer.

Today’s video is ~9 minutes long. If you’re wondering why the protocol has such an interesting name, the video explains it at the end.

What is IPFS?

  • Today’s discussion question: What benefits do you think a decentralized file storage system has over a centralized one?

===== DAY 26 =====

Hey. Today, let’s continue on the topic of DeFi! A key infrastructure of DeFi are decentralized exchanges, commonly known as DEXs. These are the decentralized counterparts of another pillar of Web3 - centralized exchanges (CEXs). Centralized exchanges refer to organisations like Coinbase or Binance, where an organisation facilitates trades between multiple parties.

So how do we carry out trade between multiple parties without a trusted middle man? Find out how in today’ content drop! This 12min video explains all you need to know about how a DEX works. 🔥

How a DEX works

  • Today’s discussion question: What benefits do you think a DEX has over a CEX?

===== DAY 27 =====

Hola all! let’s read something a bit more casual. Today’s content drop is a blogpost about a commonly thrown around term in Web3 - staking. In this blogpost, the author talks about what staking used to mean, compared to what it is commonly used to mean nowadays. He centers most of the discussion in the blogpost around the context of Apecoin, a token from the BAYC NFT project.

Cobie’s Death of Staking

  • Today’s discussion question: Which points in the article stood out the most to you and why?

===== DAY 28 =====

Hi! Now that we’re reaching the end of the 30 days, I want to leave you with as much resources as possible so you can carry on with your own self learning even after this 30 day ends.

Today’s resource is a Github repository containing 7 smart contracts that are relatively simple and intentionally limited versions of well known web3 protocols and apps. These protocols include the likes of OpenSea, Flashloans, Gnosis etc.

Think of each smart contract here as a mini project to try out on your own. Although these smart contracts are intentionally limited in their capabilities, each of them still contains the core functions of what they are required to do.


===== DAY 29 =====

Hey all! Second last day of the program now. Continuing with the goal of empowering self learning, I want to share another roadmap with you guys. In Day 3, I shared a roadmap on how to become a web3 developer, through the medium of a Youtube video. Although the video provided a really good high level overview on the steps required to get there, what it was lacking was detail.

Today’s content drop makes up for it as it is a much more detailed roadmap on the concepts required to becoming a web3 developer, with a focus on becoming a developer that’s focused on DeFi! 🔥 This Github repository also contains a very exhaustive list of the relevant frameworks and technologies for all the things you’ll encounter in your web3 developer journey.

DeFi Developer Roadmap.

===== DAY 30 =====

Hey, Just like that, 30 days has passed.

In the final content drop, I want to leave you folks with a really powerful resource that can accelerate your web3 development journey - Scaffold-ETH! This repository contains many useful resources for learning web3 development, but most importantly, it contains many templates that you can use to jumpstart the building of a project.

When you visit the Github repo, I would recommend paying particular attention to the Build section, as it contains the links to the many useful branches in the repo that focuses on a particular section of web3 development. If you take the time to go through the sections diligently, I can guarantee you that you’ll level up your web3 dev game by a great amount! 🔥
