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===== DAY 15 =====

Hello. Time for another build project! This one is a real treat. It’s going to be different from the previous 2 build projects, in that it's an external guide instead of a resource produced by StackUp. The scale of this project is also a lot bigger than the first 2 build projects, this is something that's definitely portfolio worthy 🔥.

The project will consist of 4 main sections:

In section 1, we’ll be generating the art for the NFT collection (I used this tool to create my assets). In Section 2, we’ll upload the images we created to IPFS (a decentralized storage platform), then we’ll write the NFT smart contract in Section 3 and deploy it to testnet (we’ll even get to see our collection on OpenSea!). Finally in Section 4, we’ll create a simple web application using React for users to buy our NFTs.

This build project took me a few evenings to complete, but it really levelup-ed my web3 dev game, especially since it covers the entire end-to-end from generating the assets to deployment of the SC to creating a frontend. Hope you’re up for a challenge! :work~1:

Remember that you can always ask the here if you run into any errors :-)

Lets Geddit!!

===== DAY 16 =====

Hello peeps! Today I want to share a pretty popular web3 analysis tool - Dune Analytics! Dune is a platform that allows users to generate custom charts and dashboards using SQL. When I first came across Dune Analytics, I thought that what they were offering was so cool.

SQL is a language that many are familiar with (basically anyone working with a database), so creating a product that allows the masses to query the blockchain (which is essentially 1 huge database) with SQL statements and generate custom dashboards really just makes so much sense.

Look around the dashboards page that I linked below, view the dashboards by Trending/New or filter the dashboards by tags that you think are interesting.

Dune Analytics

  • Today’s discussion question - What’s an interesting dashboard you found?

===== DAY 17 =====

Hey, for the past few days we talked a lot about NFTs. Now I want to shift our focus to another interesting sector of web3 - DAOs! 🔥

The acronym stands for decentralized autonomous organisation, which is basically an entity structure in which tokenholders participate in the management and decision-making of an entity, with no central authority involved! All votes and activity through a DAO are posted on a blockchain, making all actions of users publicly viewable.

Let’s watch this Youtube video (~8min) to get a better understanding of what DAOs are.

WhiteboardCrypto’s What are DAOs

  • Today’s discussion question - Has anyone here been involved in any DAOs before or are currently in one? How has the experience been like?

===== DAY 18 =====

Hello! Yesterday we learnt about what DAOs are at a high level. You might be wondering, DAOs seem like an interesting idea, but you can imagine how hard it can be to coordinate a group of strangers over the internet.

Therefore, DAOs require tools! Here’s a massive repository of all the tools available that DAOs can use. These tools vary from reputation tracking, treasury management, compensation, governance, knowledge management and so on.

Repository of DAO tooling matrix

Today’s discussion question - Do you recognize any of these tools? Are there any genre of tools that you didn’t expect that DAOs require?

===== DAY 19 =====

Hey there, since we talked about NFTs last week and we’re talking about DAOs this week, I thought this would be quite an interesting read! Today’s content drop is a cheekily named blogpost titled “Proof of Steak”. It talks about building community-driven food industries through using Web3 enabled tools such as DAOs, NFTs, and tokens. Today’s read will take ~10min.

Proof of Steak

Today’s discussion question: Are there any points in the blogpost that you felt were interesting to you? Why?

===== DAY 20 =====

Hey peeps! Today let’s try a different format of content - a Twitter thread! Twitter is a very commonly used social media platform in Web3 due its ability to deliver news in a quick fashion. Tweet threads 🧵 are also used when someone is trying to explain a topic in greater detail, and some of these threads are real goldmines of information!

Today’s content drop is an 🤯 epic tweet thread (107 tweets) of interesting dApps in the Ethereum :_Ethereum: ecosystem. Take a browse through and see what people have been creating on Ethereum. I guarantee that you’ll find at least a handful of dApps that you’ve never seen (or thought of) before!

The Ethereum Ecosystem

Today’s discussion question: Which of these dApps did you find the most interesting and why?

===== DAY 21 =====

Hey all! let’s read something more fun today :) Today’s content involves a bit of Web3 history! In 2016, there was a massive hack that happened to the biggest project on Ethereum at that time (The DAO), this hack was so impactful that it forced the developers to abandon the existing Ethereum and hardfork to create a duplicate chain!

This duplicate chain is the Ethereum that we all know and love now whereas the ‘abandoned’ chain is known as Ethereum Classic. I know its quite a lot to take in if you’ve heard this for the first time haha. Anyway, the hacker was never found out… Till now that is!

Due to how transparent and traceable the blockchain is, a popular Web3 reporter finally managed to identify an individual who she’s certain is the hacker. While reading the article, take note of the technologies that were involved in both the hacker’s evasion and the reporter’s CSI-ing!

The DAO hackers

Today’s discussion question: What part of the entire case stood out the most to you and why?