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Day 3 - How to Ask Good Questions

Hello we are at day 3! Today, we will delve into the topic of Asking Questions. Now you may ask, is a question not really simple? I can just add a '?' to the end of my sentence!

The clearer and better we ask our questions, the clearer and better our answers become. That also helps people help you!

Take some time to read today's article and come back to the channel to discuss your learnings! The second one is very specific to coding related questions so it would be great if everyone can check it out!!

  • 📰 A Quick Guide To Asking Better Questions Guide

  • 📰 🆘 How do I ask a good question? 🆘 Article

Bonus article if you have more time

  • 📰 How To Ask Questions The Smart Way Article

If you would like to try this exercise to test your learning, try to recall one question that you have asked before, type it out and then improve on it before sharing it with us! Here's an example from me:

Past Question: Bro, why is my answer wrong? Improved Question: Hello, could anyone be kind enough to look through my answer for Quest 5 of the Avalanche Campaign? Is there something wrong with my answer? Thank you so much!

Remember to apply what you have learned even in your day-to-day life! You may find yourself receiving better answers than ever!